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Lesch Tool and Die is situated in Pinetown, South Africa and we are a growing small to medium company with all the necessary equipment to manufacture high quality press tools and plastic injection moulds.


Our company was established in 1985 in Jacobs (South Durban), mainly doing jobbing for the rubber and automotive trade. Over the years we produced numerous press tools for Toyota, both directly and indirectly. Most of our projects tend to be of the more complex in nature.


Over the past 15 years we have diversified into the plastics industry and have made many plastic industrial buckets and container moulds. We believe that we deliver a high standard of workmanship in our tooling at a very reasonable price.


We have expanded quite substantially over the past few years acquiring more sophisticated and new CNC machinery and tackling more complex and accuracy demanding tooling with great success.


We do some production work specialising in manufacturing aluminium radiator components with great success. We have produced thousands of highly accurate radiator components with negligible reject rate.